Working Principle Of Two-piece Ball Valve


The working principle of 2 Piece Ball Valve is as follows:

Opening process: In the closed position, the ball is pressed against the valve seat by the pressure of the valve stem. When the handwheel is turned counterclockwise, the valve stem moves in the opposite direction, and the angular plane at the bottom of the valve stem causes the ball to disengage from the valve seat. The valve stem continues to rise and interacts with the guide pin in the spiral groove of the valve stem, causing the ball to begin to rotate without friction. Until it reaches the fully open position, the valve stem rises to the top position and the ball rotates to the fully open position.

Closing process: When closing, turn the handwheel clockwise, the valve stem begins to descend and causes the ball to leave the valve seat and begin to rotate. Continue to turn the handwheel, and the valve stem is acted upon by the guide pin embedded in the spiral groove on it, causing the valve stem and the ball to rotate 90° at the same time. When it is about to close, the ball has rotated 90° without contacting the valve seat. In the last few turns of the handwheel, the angular plane at the bottom of the valve stem mechanically wedges and presses the ball, causing it to press tightly against the valve seat to achieve a reliable seal.

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