Stainless Steel Three-piece Ball Valve Must Have Good Sealing Performance


Stainless steel three-piece ball valve must have good sealing performance

3 Piece Ball Valve to control the hot air duct, it must have good sealing performance, because the hot air furnace is a high-temperature and high-pressure device, and the fuel used is also flammable, explosive and toxic, so it must have good sealing performance. The hot air furnace system is equipped with cold air ducts, hot air switches, etc.

Among them, the cold air duct needs to ensure sealing performance, and is usually welded with steel plates with a thickness of 4~12mm. In order to solve the thermal stress caused by the different cold air temperatures in summer and winter, it is necessary to set an expansion ring and a stainless steel three-piece ball valve on the cold air duct. The pillars of the cold air duct should be away from the expansion ring to avoid hindering the free expansion and contraction of the cold air duct.

Stainless Steel Three-piece Ball Valve Must Have Good Sealing Performance

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