Performance Of Stainless Steel Ball Valve


The performance of Flanged Ball Valve is as follows:

1. Quickly discharge the condensed water generated by the equipment to keep the heating efficiency of the equipment in a good state, prevent the condensed water from being retained in the equipment, and ensure that the steam space in the equipment always maintains a high heating efficiency.

2. Reduce the steam consumption of the stainless steel ball valve itself. The so-called steam consumption of the stainless steel ball valve itself generally refers to the steam leakage, which is the sum of the steam required for the operation of the stainless steel ball valve and the heat loss. If the stainless steel ball valve cannot completely intercept the condensed water, it will not only have a significant impact on the steam performance of the equipment, but may even paralyze the entire production equipment.

3. Quickly discharge the air and low-temperature condensed water in the device at startup to shorten the preheating operation time. When the steam is started, the steam supply pipeline and steam-using equipment are filled with air, and steam cannot be supplied unless they are removed.

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