Method For Measuring Pipeline Engineering Controlled By Two-piece Ball Valve


The method of measuring the pipeline project controlled by 2 Piece Ball Valve is as follows:
1. Survey the topographic map, survey the pipeline area topographic map or draw a strip topographic map along the pipeline direction. If there is an available topographic map, it can be repaired or supplemented according to the actual situation. Then measure the centerline of the pipeline. According to the design requirements, the centerline of the pipeline (centerline pile) is calibrated on site.
2. Then measure the longitudinal section and survey the ground ups and downs in the direction of the centerline of the pipeline; then we need to measure the pipeline construction and measure the construction signs on site according to the design requirements and construction progress;
3. It is the measurement of the completed pipeline, surveying the position of the pipeline controlled by the completed two-piece ball valve to reflect the construction results and serve as the basis for management, maintenance and renovation during use.

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