How To Transform My Country's Valve Manufacturers


With the accession to the WTO and the gradual advancement of the national policy of accelerating the revitalization of the equipment manufacturing industry, the lowering of trade thresholds and the adjustment of product structure in developed countries, China is gradually becoming the world's largest processing plant, and the processing and production of valve products face greater development space. China has proposed a strategy of structural transformation, so 3 Way Flanged Ball Valve manufacturers need to seriously study how to transform and how to transform well. This is the current priority for the development of valve companies.

1. "Valve manufacturers" transform into "valve overall system solution providers"

Since China joined the WTO, the concepts and facts of "Made in China", "Created in China" and even "Smart Manufacturing in China" have been constantly reported in various media. Then in comparison with foreign companies, we can find that their companies are competing with us with technology. What is an overall system solution? It means that the customer requires a certain function to be realized, and we provide customers with a solution. The entire system includes valve hardware, valve software, valve system process, valve supporting system, etc. In short, it is actually a set of "3 highs and 1 low business theory" with high efficiency, high value, high competitiveness and low cost. Instead of just using the valve system solutions they have developed, and then producing supporting products, we will take the low-end economic model. Taichen Valve has been working hard to transform into a "valve overall system solution provider". The main products include eccentric ball valves, forged steel ball valves, direct buried ball valves, hard seal ball valves, ball valves, butterfly valves, gate valves, stop valves, flat gate valves, lift check valves, heavy stop valves, fluorine-lined valves and other series

2. Transformation from "traditional process methods" to "valve technology industry"

At present, many valve factories still use traditional process methods to manufacture valve products, with poor workshop environment and serious waste of resources. Why transform valve technology? Valve manufacturing equipment not only brings more precise product manufacturing to valve manufacturers, but also brings resource savings, which include energy, manpower, material resources and financial resources. What 10 people did in the past can be completed by 2 machine tools. In such a process, we can allocate the past 8 talents to product and system research and development. Improve the competitiveness of the enterprise itself.

3. Transformation from "selling valve products" to "selling valve services"

Valve services may be a larger concept than valve products. Valve services include the sale of valve products. Service is a process from scratch. When customers understand our company, this service process will begin. It starts with customers understanding the company's own situation, then what kind of valve products and system solutions are needed, and then after-sales service from multiple angles.

Since the valve industry began to enter China in the 1920s, after more than 80 years of development, although domestic valves have made great progress in performance, quality, precision, etc., they have not been able to compete directly with branded valve manufacturers on the market. China's valve equipment is still far from entering the new industry. However, my country has this huge valve demand market, which has also attracted countless companies to join this big industry, including many new foreign companies. This has made the competition in my country's valve market increasingly fierce and internal contradictions increasingly intensified, which is also a big challenge for domestic valve companies.

How To Transform My Country's Valve Manufacturers

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