Analysis Of Local Loss In Pipeline Controlled By Stainless Steel One-piece Ball Valve


1 Piece Ball Valve analysis of local losses of sudden expansion pipe fittings of control pipelines. Since the speed of the outside is lower than that of the inside when the fluid flows through the pipe bend controlled by a one-piece ball valve, the speed difference will cause different centrifugal forces of the fluid particles inside and outside. The centrifugal force inside is greater than that outside. The fluid inside flows outward under the action of the centrifugal force difference, causing instantaneous accumulation of fluid particles outside, thereby generating a flow from the inside to the outside along the center of the pipe, forming two rotating motions in the radial plane. This rotating motion combines with the mainstream to form a secondary spiral flow.

Under turbulent conditions, the secondary spiral flow will last for a distance of 100 times the diameter of the pipe. Generally, half of the loss of the bend in the pipe controlled by a one-piece ball valve comes from the secondary spiral flow. Obviously, the smaller the radius of curvature of the bend, the greater the speed difference between the inside and outside of the bend; the larger the diameter of the pipe, the larger the influence range of the secondary spiral flow, resulting in an increase in the local loss of the fluid flowing through the bend.

Analysis Of Local Loss In Pipeline Controlled By Stainless Steel One-piece Ball Valve

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